Hebrew lyrics: Mishlei (Proverbs) 3:18
English lyrics, music: Dovid
guitars, vocals and keyboard: Dovid
May you always fly free and true like Noah's dove*
And feel the earth 'neath your feet while you're reaching for the sky above
Drawing strength from the well deep inside you
Steering clear of the seeds of strife
Breaking free of any vines that might bind you
Holding fast to the Tree of Life.
Aitz chaim hee, l'machazikim ba, v'tomche'ha me'ushar
Hold on tight, hold on tight to the Tree of Life
All its paths are pleasantness and peace.
* "'The dove came back to him...' (Gen. 8:11) By saying that the dove came back to him, the Torah implies that it meant to come back to Noah, in fulfillment of its mission to bring back a sign of God's response. The bird did not come back merely to return to its nest or because it was tired" - the Stone Chumash citing R' Naftali Zvi Yehudah Berlin - the Netziv.