songs from Dovid Kerner



lyrics by Dovid Kerner                                                             Listen 

original song - Hank Williams' Jambalaya

(arrangement based on John Fogerty's recording of Jambalaya)

Goodbye Joe, we gotta go and shake the lulav
It’s a gutta zach, to sit 'neath schach and feel God's true love
Wind blows round, sun goes down, the full moon shines above
In the sukkah we stay, all night and day, and feel God's true love.

Gefilte fish, Rebbe's tish, rain on my sponge cake!
Crickets sing, we dine like kings, oh for goodness sake!
Hold on tight, for seven nights and for seven days
Eat in a sukkah, don't forget the brucha, vitzivanu leishaiv!


Gefilte fish, Rebbe's tish, rain on my sponge cake!
Crickets sing, we dine like kings, oh for goodness sake!
Hold on tight, for seven nights and for seven days
Eat in a sukkah, don't forget the brucha, vitzivanu leishaiv!

Lulav: Hebrew for the closed palm frond, taken together with myrtle branches, willow branches and a citron fruit (see Lev. 23:40), and shaken in the prescribed manner on each day of Sukkot.
Gutta zach: Yiddish for “It’s a good thing”.
Schach: Hebrew for the natural material (branches, bamboo etc.) used to cover the Sukkah
Sukkah: the temporary dwelling referred to in Vayikra (Leviticus 23:42).
Rebbe's tish: Yiddish for “Rabbi's table”.
Brucha: “bracha” – a blessing.
Vitzivanu leishaiv: Literally “who has commanded us to sit”, from the blessing “Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has commanded us to sit in the sukkah"!

 You are my Sukkah


lyrics: Dovid Kerner

melody: traditional

You are my sukkah

My little sukkah

You sit so proudly, upon my porch

You’ll never know dear

How much I love you

Wind don’t blow, my sukkah away.


The other night dear

As I lay resting

Upon my bed, beneath your schach

I saw the moon shine, and it looked fine

Wind don’t blow my sukkah away.









hank williams performing










(to the tune of R’Shlomo Carlebach’s ‘Shomrim Hafkid’)


For Sukkos, don’t book us

In any fancy hotel

We've got a place that really rates

Come listen and I’ll tell.


A million stars, so very far

Above us will be swirling

While ‘neath our schach it’s ach, ach, ach

Ach sameach!



Build a sukkah - come with me

We’ll learn the mishna and you’ll see

That a sukkah cannot be

More than 20 amos tall


And at least 10 tfachim high

Any lower and I’d cry

Because, me-oh-my

I’d have a pasul sukkah


Now what is schach? (It’s ten o’clock –

You should have asked me sooner!)

Schach’s anything grown from the ground

That won’t m’kabel tumah!


Hodu Lashem

Ki tov

Ki l’olam 




